6 Reasons Why Strawberry Leaves Turning Yellow and How to Fix Them

6 Reasons Why Strawberry Leaves Turning Yellow and How to Fix Them

Yellowing strawberry leaves can be caused by improper planting, incorrect care, nutrient deficiency, excessive fertilizer, diseases, or pests. Don’t overlook this, as the reasons vary significantly. This issue often troubles growers, and while sometimes a small adjustment in care or fertilization can solve it, other times, the plant may need more serious treatment. So, it’s…

3 Reasons For Strawberry Leaves Turning Red (And Solutions)

3 Reasons For Strawberry Leaves Turning Red (And Solutions)

Typically, the first sign that something’s not right with a plant is a change in the shape or color of its leaves. And naturally, strawberries aren’t an exception. Indeed, analyzing strawberry leaves allows you to gauge the plant’s nutritional status (like if it’s missing any essential nutrients), identify any diseases, and determine its vegetation stage….