When to Plant Pumpkins in California (with Step-by-Step Guide)

Pumpkins cannot withstand cold weather, so it’s essential to plant them after the last frost date in the spring when the soil temperature is between 65-85°F and the risk of frost has passed. 

The best time to start growing pumpkins in California depends on your location. In warmer parts of Southern California, March or early April is ideal. For Northern California, late May to early June is the best time to plant Cinderella, Jack-o’-Lantern, and Moschata varieties.

How Long Do Pumpkins Take To Grow In California?

Pumpkins are a long-season crop that typically requires 90-120 frost-free days to grow and mature in California. Proper planting timing is essential for a timely harvest.

However, the amount of time it takes for a pumpkin to grow will depend on various factors, including the type of pumpkin you are growing and the care you give the plants.

Insufficient sunlight, water, or nutrients can cause your pumpkins to take longer to grow and produce fruit. 

In most parts of California, the soil is warm enough to plant pumpkin seeds directly after the last spring frost. Seedlings should sprout within 5-10 days if the soil temperature is around 70°F.

You can expect your plants to produce fruit about 2-3 months after planting. The fruit will continue to grow and mature over the next 1-2 months until it is ready to be harvested.

Best Time to Plant Pumpkins in California

Plant Pumpkin Seedlings Outdoors Once The Threat of Frost Has Passed! 

Like other plants in the Cucurbitaceae family, pumpkins need plenty of heat to grow and produce tasty fruit. Frost can be detrimental to their growth, so it’s essential to plant until after the last spring frost date.

That being said, the ideal time to sow pumpkin seeds directly in the ground is when the soil temperature is between 65-85°F.

But be sure to plant before the temperature exceeds 85°F (29°C), as this can be too hot for pumpkin plants. 

However, here is a general guide to the best time to plant pumpkins in California:

RegionBest Time to Plant
Southern CaliforniaMarch-April
Northern CaliforniaMay-June

Planting time Varies with Specific Location in California

California is a large state with a range of climates. It spans 10 USDA hardiness zones, from zone 5a in the high mountains to zone 10b along the southern coast.

To plant pumpkins, it can be helpful to think of California as having two main regions: Northern California and Southern California.

The region you live in will ultimately determine the best time for planting pumpkins in your area.

Plant Pumpkins in Late May or Early June in Northern California

Again, the rule of thumb is to plant your pumpkins when the risk of frost has passed. In Northern California, this typically occurs in late May or early June.

In these parts, the last spring frost is around mid-April, but the soil needs another three to four weeks to warm up enough for sowing. 

However, here is a general idea of average temperatures in California during late May and early June:

USDA ZoneAverage Temperature (°F)

Plant Pumpkins in Late April to Early May in Southern California

Southern California is home to a wide range of USDA agricultural zones, ranging from zone 9 along the coast to zone 11 in the hottest, driest areas.

Frost is either infrequent or disappears earlier in these regions, and the soil tends to be warmer.

Because of these favorable conditions, I recommend planting your pumpkins in late April or early May in Northern California. You can start planting in frost-free areas like Lawndale as early as February.

Sow Pumpkin Seeds Indoors 2-4 Weeks before the Last Spring Frost

If you want a jump start on your pumpkin growing season, you can start sowing the seeds indoors 2-3 weeks before the end of the cold weather.

For example, if the last frost date in your area is May 11, you can start planting around April 10-17.

Then, once the threat of frost has passed, typically in late May or early June, you can transplant the seedlings outside. This will give them plenty of time to grow and produce tasty fruit for you to enjoy!

How to Plant Pumpkins

Step #1 – Choose a sunny, spacious site

Pumpkins need at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily to grow well. A garden with southern or eastern exposure is a good choice.

Step #2 – Prepare well-draining soil

To thrive, pumpkins need rich, loamy soil with good drainage. Mix in plenty of compost or peat moss before planting, and aim for a slightly acidic pH of 6.0-6.8.

Step #3 – Prepare hills/rows

Dig down the soil to create hills 12-15 inches deep. Fill or mix in plenty of compost, paper, coffee grounds, eggshells, and aged manure.

Space the hills 4-8 ft. apart. If you are using rows, prepare them 6-10 ft. apart.

Step #4 – Plant the seedlings/sow the seeds

Sow seeds 6-12 inches apart in rows. Each hill should have 4-5 seeds set an inch deep if you use hills. Thin seedlings out when they are 2-3 inches tall, aiming for one plant every 4-6 feet.

If you use seedlings or transplants, plant them at the same depth they were growing in their original containers.

Step #5 – Water well

Water the seeds or seedlings thoroughly after planting to help them get established.”

Right Varieties of Pumpkin for California

If you’re looking for pumpkin varieties that thrive in California’s high temperatures, consider planting Moschata varieties like Tan Cheese, Waltham Butternut, and Seminole pumpkins.

Jack-o’-Lanterns like Big Max, Spirit, and Cinderella are also excellent choices and are known for their decorative, carving, and ornamental value, especially for occasions like Halloween.

Keep in mind that these are just average harvesting times and may vary depending on your area’s specific variety and growing conditions.

It’s essential to carefully monitor the development of your pumpkin plants and wait until the fruit is fully mature before harvesting. 

However, here is a general guide to the average harvesting time for these pumpkin varieties:

VarietyAverage Harvest Time
Tan Cheese110-120 days
Waltham Butternut110-120 days
Seminole110-120 days
Big Max85-95 days
Spirit85-95 days
Cinderella90-100 days

Aspen, Big Autumn, and Kentucky Field are other varieties that do well in California if you’re more interested in size and color. (Source)

Is It Possible To Grow Pumpkins Year-Round In California?

Yes, it’s generally possible to grow pumpkins year-round in California.

These warm-season vegetables require plenty of sunlight, warm temperatures, and moist soil to grow and produce fruit, which are conditions that are typically found in most parts of California during the spring and summer months.

However, once the weather becomes colder and frost arrives, your outdoor pumpkin plants will begin to die off, and it will no longer be possible to continue growing them.

When Is The Best Time To Start Growing Pumpkins For Halloween In California?

The best time to start growing pumpkins for Halloween in California depends on your growing variety and the region of the state you are in.

Luckily, most Halloween-friendly varieties like Big Max and Cinderella grow faster in California.

Planting them in late May or early June will give them enough time to mature and be ready for harvest in late September or October.”

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